Health and Safety Statement of Intent

The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 imposes statutory duties on employers and employees to ensure a safe place of work. It is an important duty of Guru Systems Limited in the conduct of its operations, to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for its employees and to prevent injury or ill health to anybody that may be affected by the Company’s undertaking.

In order for Guru Systems Limited Health and Safety Policy to be effective, collaboration and co-operation of all employees is required; everybody is asked to read the Policy and accept their own personal responsibility for Health and Safety at work.

It is the intention of Guru Systems Limited to ensure that:
● The spirit and letter of the principles incorporated in the relevant legislation are maintained to ensure the safest systems of work and a safe, healthy working environment.
● Suitable information, instruction, training and supervision are provided to ensure the Health and Safety of all.
● The working environment is safe and without unreasonable risks to health and that adequate provision is made for facilities and welfare at work.
● Suitable equipment is provided and that necessary maintenance and checks of equipment are undertaken.
● Systems of work are safe and without unreasonable risks to Health and Safety.
● Arrangements for use, handling, storage and transport of substances for use at work are safe and without unreasonable risks to health.
● Adequate information is available with respect to articles and substances used at work detailing the conditions and precautions necessary to ensure that when properly used they will be safe and without unreasonable risks to Health and Safety.
● The company Health and Safety Policy is reviewed and updated as necessary.

Guru Systems Limited encourages the active interest, participation and support of employees in promoting good Health and Safety standards.

Health and Safety Policy v6