Casey Cole, Guru Systems CEO, recently led a webinar based on our article about policy changes from the GLA to include ‘Be Seen’ energy monitoring requirements for major London developments.

The London Plan Policy SI 2 sets out the ‘be seen’ requirement for all major development proposals to monitor and report on their actual operational energy performance for at least five years.

Developments in London covered by the regulations include:

  • developments of 150 residential units or more
  • developments over 30 meters in height (outside the City of London)
  • developments on Green Belt or Metropolitan Open Land

Standard wording which details the ‘Be Seen’ requirements can already be seen in practice in planning documents. The text comprises four sections A, B, C, and D:

  • Section A: Before building works begin
  • Section B: Upon completion of the ‘as-built’ design for each phase
  • Section C: Upon completion of the first year of occupation for each phase
  • Section D: If as-built performance estimates are not being met

This webinar:

  • Summarises the ‘Be Seen’ requirements
  • Details what is required under each section (Sections A, B, C, and D)
  • Discusses how technology can help heat network developers and operators meet the ‘Be Seen’ requirements
  • Explores how best practice design and operation support well-performing heat networks and compliance with ‘Be Seen’

The webinar was held live on Monday 30th January from 3 pm- 3.45 pm.

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