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Get regulation ready with Guru Hub 3 Core

2023-07-27T10:27:07+01:0020 June 2023|Categories: Articles|Tags: |

The world of heat networks is changing dramatically. Ofgem will begin regulating our industry within the next two years, and this means a big shift for everybody who's involved with the process of designing, installing, commissioning, and operating heat networks.  It is now more important than ever to think [...]

On regulatory changes: An hour with Casey Cole

2023-06-14T14:44:35+01:0014 June 2023|Categories: Articles|

Casey Cole is the founder and CEO of Guru Systems. We recently sat down with him to discuss  the upcoming regulatory changes to the heat network industry. We covered how he anticipates these changes to impact key stakeholders and what can be done to proactively prepare.  Guru Systems (GS): [...]

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