On 1 October 2020, Guru Systems, together with FairHeat and Sycous, hosted the webinar Towards efficient, low carbon heat networks for social housing. Watch the recording and download the case studies.


Ahead of upcoming regulation and CP1 2020, FairHeat, Guru Systems and Sycous share best practice using case studies from social housing operators across the UK.

In the UK, heating for buildings makes up nearly one third of our carbon emissions.

Heat networks have a number of benefits for both building managers and residents – but how should housing associations and local authorities respond to changes in both technology and regulation?

FairHeat, Guru Systems and Sycous invite you to a one hour webinar covering best practice in response to existing and upcoming regulation and requirements. Using case studies, the session will explore how the digitalisation of heat networks for both network optimisation and payments can benefit residents. The session will also introduce how flexible metering and billing management solutions support both property managers and residents year-round – including exceptional circumstances such as the Covid-19 lockdown.

Speakers will include Gareth Jones (FairHeat), Casey Cole (Guru Systems) and Odessa Ahmed (Sycous).

Watch the recording:
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Download the case studies: