Guru Systems technology is part of five successful HNES Round 1 projects

2023-09-26T09:47:06+01:0026 September 2023|Categories: Articles, Featured|Tags: , , |

The Heat Network Efficiency Scheme (HNES) is a £32m grant funding scheme to improve the performance of existing heat networks. Guru Systems supported six projects as part of the previous HNES Demonstrator that ran in 2021/22, and we can now confirm that every bid to Round 1 of the main [...]

Guru Pinpoint for better-performing heat networks

2023-07-27T10:32:22+01:0025 July 2023|Categories: Articles|Tags: |

Unmonitored heat networks don’t usually perform well; poorly performing networks mean higher costs and increased carbon emissions. Even where networks are well-designed and commissioned before residents move in, performance tends to drift over time. It is not uncommon for the cost of delivered heat to double in just a [...]

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