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We can’t decarbonise heat using new build alone. Heat network zones must play a major role in meeting the retrofit challenge.

2023-02-27T14:27:30+00:0013 October 2021|Categories: Archive|Tags: |

This article was written by Casey Cole, CEO at Guru Systems. Last week, the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) published the long awaited consultation on heat network zoning. This consultation is the first step in the government’s commitment to implement heat network zoning in England by [...]

Using technology to meet CP1 2020 heat network performance management recommendations

2023-02-27T14:28:07+00:009 August 2021|Categories: Archive|Tags: , |

In January 2020 CIBSE and the Association of Decentralised Energy published CP1: Heat networks: Code of Practice for the UK (2020) (also known as CP1 2020). While the original CP1 proved influential in providing minimum standards for heat networks in the UK from design to operation stages, the updated [...]

Installing electric panel heaters in residential developments risks non-compliance with Part L of the building regulations

2023-02-27T14:28:44+00:0023 June 2021|Categories: Archive|

In recent months Guru Systems have become aware of a number of projects where developers are choosing to install direct electric panel heaters as the heat source in residential dwellings. While planning permission for a project may have been secured based on an energy strategy using electric panel heaters, there [...]

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